My Traveller Universe

This is a collection of software I have developed on linux for Traveller. Parts should should be useful for the first four versions of Traveller (CT, MT, TNE, T4). As it relies heavily on the use of UWP's for it's data formatting, it's probably questionable if it could be used for GT, and as I have only made a superficial review of T20 I can only say it might be usefule with those rules.

Currently, MTU primary components consist of:

As of the spring 2002 release, a significant chunk of my Traveller source tree is being released. Since this covers quite a bit of ground, and I cannot come up with anything better, it is refered to here and in what little docs available as other, and includes:

Of these, all but the last are feature complete, reasonably stable, and should be usable. A notable exception would be the use of extreme values for the USP in hg. Player currently includes data files for T4 and MT generation. There is code for MT advanced generation, but it is very incomplete, and (at best) will core dump. As such, it is very well suited for generating lots of NPC's. There was a set of Fire, Fusion, and Steel programs, but due to the current sorry state of the code, the general reaction it has recieved, and the directions I've been taking, it has been pulled.

Please note the other package is unusable without the main package.

WARNING!! The is little to no documantation to any of this outside of the source code itself.

This software is distributed in source form only, and requires additional libraries. The source tarballs can be obtained here, and any other files can be obtained from either this site or this one. I currently build against wxGTK v2.4.0 or v2.4.2, and GTK v1.2.10.

As with previous releases, you will also need universe data files. These are primarily composed of the unmodified sector files available for many years through online resources. The main package includes code for conversion from other existing formats. However, since mtu has functionality not in other programs of this nature, it may be more convienent to download one or more of the following pregenerated (and enhanced) data files:

Note user menuing has been added recently so even though the ct and mt1 universes have 30 to 50 times as many sectors included, the classic and mt universes converted from galactic may be more to your liking.

Here are the mandatory screenshots and some sample printer outputs.

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